Tuesday 1 December 2009

Getting Old

I've just realised. This blog has now entered its third year. Its birthday was on the 26th November, so I am still able to say the blog's birthday was this week.

It's come a long way from these hesitant beginnings!


  1. I wondered when you were going to notice:) Happy Blogbirthday. Age is obviously affecting your marbles, though, as you are actually 2 years old this week, not three.

  2. What? Isn't it 2010 then? Duly corrected. New marbles applied for.

  3. Congratulations and best wishes on the birthday anniversary of your blog - keep up the good work.

  4. I was worried for a moment that I'd lost a year; what an impressive bender that would have been.

    Still, congratulations.


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