Tuesday 19 October 2010

I'm a Male Influencer

Yes it's official. Despite my inherent non trendiness, my unfashionable liking for pong and my big gob, I'm an influencer of men. Well if you read Ask Men UK I am, so there, that's it. I'm a trend setter, an influencer of men and an all round good egg. It'll do for me.

Of course every silver lining has to have a cloud. For a start I'm clearly not as influential as, say, Dredgie, who is lauded by As Men as "the beer blogger's blogger" and from whose blog stems "almost all talking points" from within the community, but at least I'm mentioned in the same breath, which is a comfort. Our own dear Cookster gets a mention too, though they do say he's an arse, so along with Ron the Obscure, Youthful Zak Avery, Big Daddy Pete and other exalted imbibers, I haven't done so bad.

So no more cheek and calling me a fat git. Right? Or I'll come right over and influence you.

The link is here.


  1. woo hoo


  2. Can these magazine chaps invite us all down for an Alesha Dixon photo shoot?

  3. http://www.askmen.com/celebs/women/singer/alesha-dixon/

  4. And they said they were going to include me, and in the end didn't. Bastards.

    Mind you, the site is probably read by 3 men with fake tans who think Peroni is cutting-edge.

  5. Does this mean we have to call you Sir Tandy?

  6. They asked you, mudge? It's a surprise to me being on any list. A nice surprise, but not as nice as free beer.

  7. Talking of free beer, I've just had a generous consignment from Wells & Youngs, so I can drown my sorrows with that. I recommended you, btw, Cookie, as the antidote to the rest ;-)

  8. Bloody Hell Mudgie. Wells and Youngs at least do live beer. I never get any these days. And not much beer either!

  9. If it's any consolation to you, Tandy, Mr Dredge's Alexa ranking (based on hits per day) is a low 11 million-plus, Beer Beauty's is eight million, while yours is a rather superior three million, along with Zak, Cookie and ATJ. For comparison, Ron P is ranked 1.7 million, Pete Brown stands at 1.2 million, and mine is *ahem* better than Pete's, so :p to AskMen.

  10. Tandie - does this mean you can go into those trendy 'yoof' beer bars now?

  11. Sid - Well I guess so. Will I have to pay for my beer though?

    Martyn - I am reassured. I think.

  12. Ten Inch Wheels, the 14458th most read blogger on the internets, salutes you.

  13. Martyn - a blog may get a lot of hits but that's no gauge on influence or quality, I'm sure you'll agree. It doesn't matter how big it is, it's how you use it, and all that...

    Also, in the interest of fairness, try the ranking for www.pencilandspoon.blogspot.com instead of just www.pencilandspoon.com (it clearly hasn't caught up with the new url yet). It fares a little better than 11 million.

  14. Mark, that wasn't meant to be a get-at, and I apologise if that's how it came across. I was just trying to show Mr Tandleman we can all find things to boast about. Me, I'm just jealous that I'm clearly not thought worthy of following. Even if I am getting 12,000 hits a month. (And Alan, if you're reading this, yes, I know you get far more than that …)

  15. Ah so you're getting at me for boasting now Martyn? (-;

  16. Martyn, I get that and it didn't come across that way, but hits aren't the be-all. Do you look at how long visitors stay, for example? How many pages they read? Regular readers or unique? How many comment, etc, etc. Getting a high volume of hits isn't a good gauge of quality or influence.

  17. So what brand beer do you drink as a Men influencer? :-) Nice post. Nice blog.

  18. Just checked the Alexa rankings and I have a rating of 7.478 million and apparently my top search query is "onion jam" (why this puts me in mind of Eddie Izzard I have no idea!).

  19. Remember folks, now is the pefect time to stock up with Tandleman merchandise. Prices are bound to soar in the future.


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