Monday 6 December 2010

Another Top Tip

Those of you lucky enough to live in the Manchester area will know that the Waterhouse by the Town Hall is one of the better Wetherspoons around. It just got even better. The house beer (Waterhouse Pale) is rebadged Hawkshead Windermere Pale, which though only 3.5%, just bursts with Citra flavour. It's a tremendous beer and my usual advice in such situations applies. Seek it out.

That's it.

Disregard a lot of the above - well the house beer bit. See comment. This is live and updated! Still seek the beer out though.


  1. It's not actually the house beer - that's Waterhouse IPA by Elland.

    Waterhouse Pale was a special rebranding done for the Hawkshead Meet The Brewer that was held there earlier this year. Obviously as it's come round on rotation again, they've dug the old pump clip out.

    But agree that it's a cracking pint!

  2. Damn. The bastards, but thanks for the correction which I will print as it were.

  3. The sinister truth is that, from an ale lover's point of view, Wetherspoons are starting to stride ahead in certain ways whilst other, perhaps more 'preferable' companies are standing still. What with their 50p off real ale vouchers via CAMRA membership - they are becoming ever-harder to sensibly ignore. Loving the site by the way. Happy to have become the very latest follower.

  4. I've been very impressed with Wetherspoons in the last year. It's a competitive marketplace and for some of their faults they are doing lots right. They're a bit of a British institution and eminently more useful than Eastenders. We just need one in Morley now...

  5. I've got nothing but good things to say about Wetherspoons (I've some less nice things to say about some of the people in them, but that's besides the point!). And having a house beer is the sign of a particularly good one which really cares about its real ale. I like that.

  6. Dominic, Marble Brewery6 December 2010 at 21:14

    Hawkshead Windermere Pale holds the unofficial record in the Marble Beerhouse for the fastest selling guest beer - think it was 40 minutes.

    Their Brodie's Prime is where it's at though!


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