Tuesday 14 December 2010

The CAMRA "Do"

It's ours tonight at Phoenix Brewery. Should be three beers on and we are promised something special as well. Could be one of Tony's warming winter ales as well as some swigging beer. Either way, we are in safe hands beer wise. It's all doable by bus, both there and back, so should be a fun do with people who all know each other.

Might have a preparatory kip later. I'm an old man me.


  1. Have a great evening Tand. Any Carling on?

  2. Would it be a party without it? Well, yes obviously, but thanks for the good wishes and open a tinny for me!

  3. Hey, I'm a Member in Good Standing. How come I didn't get an invite? Is it because I ain't got a beard?

    A do at Phoenix! That's the kind of thing that makes me glad I joined.

    I'll have to make do with Zwickl-Citra fresh from the fermenter at home tonight, I guess.

  4. That's what they call it tapped from the Lagertank...wait...you know that!

    Just tried some (hijacked a gallon during racking for tonight's table beer) now, and it's unfuckingbelievably good. Citra is the shit.

  5. Is it a good idea to advertise a private do on a public site?

  6. Hmm. Maybe not. I'll take it down for now.

  7. Ah ~ that's why the heading of the post appeared on my blog yesterday, but clicking on the link took me nowhere until today.


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