Tuesday 29 December 2009

Tasting Beers

Well we all do that don't we? Tomorrow I'm conducting a fun tasting of beers at the pub. It's a chance to put some of the beers I never get round to drinking at home to good use. It's just for my mates and there will be around a dozen beers. One of the boys is chipping in a Brew Dog Tokyo. The landlady will be joining us and providing the third of a pint tasting glasses and will see what bottles she has. There won't be any scoring, but it should be fun at least. For those interested, here is the provisional line up:

Brew Dog Punk: IPA and Tokyo
Bridgeport (US): IPA and Stout (These are old so we'll see)
Meantime:IPA and Chocolate Porter
Outstanding: Barley Wine
Orval (Belgium): A five year old sample
Potton: Shambles Bitter
Schloss Brauerei (Germany): Doppel Hopfen (Thanks Nick)
Thornbridge: Jaipur IPA
Whittington: Black Cat Stout


  1. Whereabouts in Germany is the Schloss Brauerei based?

  2. be interested to see how the Orval goes down — I had a 10-year-old sample once and it had just lost it, was flavourless and thin. I always age mine but usually only for about a year or so.

  3. Sid - The beer is in the pub now, so I don't know. Bayern for sure.

  4. What a nice idea!

    I think I've probably purchased Punk IPA more than any other bottled beer this year. i love the stuff. Orval is pretty damned good as well!

  5. I'd love to do something like this but, sadly, couldn't muster 10 people to join in who wouldn't take the piss throughout....

  6. Ha. Who says they won't take the piss? I'm expecting a lot of that and pulled faces etc. It will be fun and I'd guess some will er.... be liked more than others.

    There should be six or seven of us, though no doubt some of the other regulars will get a taste - of the crap ones! (-:

  7. Yeah, really interested to see how that orval tastes. I've never drunk one over 6 months, myself.

  8. Schloßbrauerei Stelzer is in the village of Fattigau, which is NE of Bayreuth, up in the NE corner of Bavaria, near Hof. According to http://www.schlossbrauerei-stelzer.de/, beer's been brewed there since at least as far back as 1353 for robber barons, manor lords, and princely families.

    I fear, however, that Tandy's bottle might not be in the best of shape, since I think I gave it to him in...er...August? And it don't last too long too well. When fresh though, it's outstandingly hoppy for a Krautenbier.

    It's rare though, and only one shop near me "stocks" it, and that's only when the brewery delivers it themselves. Since I just bought out the last couple of crates/racks/cases yesterday, I should ring them up and tell them to send more...I'll tell them that ein Brite is conducting eine Verkostung of their beer up in the Mancurian sticks even as we speak.

  9. Still in date and has been in the fridge, so we'll see.

  10. Thanks Nick. I asked because there was a Schloss Brauerei in a place called Waldneil (near Monchengladbach in NRW) some years back. Sadly gone, I think...

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  12. Well I know how it turned out, but only because der Tandlemann kept pestering me with unsolicited reports per SMS while I was trying to enjoy my Guinness at a local pub that can't seem to decide if it's Irish or English.



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