Tuesday 16 November 2010

Follow Follow

I notice I have crept up to 96 followers. It would be nice to have one hundred. If you have always been meaning to click that button, now is the time to do it.

Roll up. Don't be shy.


  1. If I could follow you twice, I would, it's that good.

  2. If you want to get more people interested in your blog posting about Frank Sidebottom is the way to go!

  3. Isn't that market cornered? (-;

  4. It's at 99. You should give a prize to the 100th.

    Though such blatant and naked begging does you no justice, Tand. You want climb the league? Slag off CAMRA and create a shit storm.

  5. Good lad bigun.

    I'll have to think of a cynical ploy though. As you say, this was just begging.

  6. Wahay. I have the 100. Yippee. Not sure who it is though.

  7. Who better. I'll buy you yet another pint when I see you!

  8. Ed, Ed, such cynicism. 8-)

    I have 36 followers, and I don't know who they are because blogger and google won't let me see them...

    Still, number 1, eh..?

  9. You've 101 now; well done. I have 22, all of good quality!

  10. "You want climb the league? Slag off CAMRA and create a shit storm." Isn't that the truth.

    I have 5 followers. And one is me, and another is my dad. I think if I had 100 followers I would feel some responsibility to bring something to the table, which seems like a lot of pressure.


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