Tuesday 15 May 2012

A Sinner Repented? Nah!

It was reported yesterday on one of the newsgroups I subscribe to the a contributor had thoroughly enjoyed a cask conditioned pint of BrewDog IPA (sic) at an unknown Wetherspoon outlet in Manchester.

Extensive enquiries dashed hopes that the upstarts of Scottish Brewing had seen the light. It was in fact not Punk IPA or indeed anything at all, from BD, but Offbeat Out of Step. So you can see how the mistake was easily made. I have no doubt that it was a genuine error, possibly out of wishful thinking - or bad eyesight. Not excess alcohol I'm sure. And in this case, I am sure, but disappointing nonetheless.

My hopes,thus cruelly raised are lowered once more. I suspect it won't be for the last time though.

The pumpclip is from 2008. Appropriate name for one of theirs, though I recall this was actually good.


  1. brewdog have produced at least one cask this year... they did a cask of Growler for Pivni in York... we only got the keg version in the Sheffield Tap, it was 'ok', doubt it would have been any more stunning on cask

  2. Do you know why they did this?

  3. cos Dan asked nicely I think! but no, I don't know what the motive or persuasion was...

  4. Oh, the Offbeat! I had it last night at the Waterhouse. A bargaing at £2.49 for a 5.5 beer - very tasty indeed.

  5. Having talked with the leaders of the Brewdogma movement, I can assure you that they have no plans to produce cask beer regularly again. However, as they do still have the capacity to do so, they will, on occasion, do so.

  6. Why constantly harp on about Brewdog when there are hundreds of great breweries, like Offbeat, who do make fantastic cask beer, and aren't dicks?

    It's fifteen months since I bought my last Brewdog beer, and do you know, I don't miss it one bit.

  7. All done for fun Barm, all done for fun. This was just a bit of light hearted stuff. I enjoyed it. Sorry you didn't.

  8. Please wake me up when you've stopped talking about Brewdog.

  9. It does amuse me that they took such ostentatious umbrage at the Diageo screwjob, given both their own track record for letting people down and their exponential expansion.

    I've stopped drinking Brewdgo and don't miss it either, but I am pissed off that I invested about £1700 in shares on the basis that they brewed cask beers that I enjoyed drinking, and now I'm wondering what the hell to do with them and if I can get my money back.

  10. I've often thought that Offbeat pump clips look like Brew Dog. Gald I'm not the only one

  11. Sparklers suck. They drive off all the aroma and ruin the condition.

  12. Nick. They don't. You are talking bollocks.

  13. I do like the cut and thrust of carefully argued debate!

  14. no debate needed, sparklers are the devil's dispense. instead of sparklers, which kill hops, every handpump should have a randall, which adds head and hops - win!

  15. OK. You have me there. What's a randall?

  16. a device which draws the beer through a chamber of hops on its way to the handpump. best invention in beer dispense history (well, after the tap, at least...)

  17. Seriously though, I still find myself with one foot on either side of the Great Sparkler Divide. I've had good unsparkled in the north and good sparkled in the south. (And bad the other way round too, of course.)

  18. This is why Scottish Tall Fonts ( or Aitken fonts as they're also known) are such a great dispense method. No need for sparklers, and real control over the beer's condition. Perfect pint every time and no loss of flavour!


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