Tuesday 6 November 2012

Approaching 1000

Just doing some totting up. I have 16 more posts to go to reach my 1000th post in five years of beer blogging. Must have a think about what it will be about.  My first post on 26th November 2007 was about the sparkler, that most divine of devices.  Should I re-visit that?  Have a read and see what you think.

Maybe I'll take requests?

Or maybe I won't.


  1. i disagreed then and i disagree now, despite living in Yorkshire! nasty evil contraptions that kill bitterness and subdue hops. There's simply no need for them, if the beer has condition it will have sufficient head. if it has no condition, a sparkler won't bring it back to life...

    looking to amend our pumpclips to clearly state (on the front and rear) that the beer should not be served through a sparkler.

  2. Dave. If it kills the hops you put in your beer, then there is no hope for anyone.

    Fortunately, you are completely wrong and if I see your beer anywhere, I'll ask for it sparkled!

  3. it doesn't kill ALL our hops... but every leaf is sacred!

    if i put enough hops in to survive sparkling, there'd be no room in the copper for wort ;-)

  4. Requests?

    Whilst I love a sparkler debate I also like craft beer debates, CAMRA criticism, smoking ban nonsense, minimum pricing, pub pricing & kids in pubs. But what to request?

    How about a nice gentle piece on what you think makes the perfect pub? Do a George Orwell, Moon Under Water type piece where your loyal readership and fan base get a glimpse of what rocks Tandy's boat and the pub you would create if ever minded to do so.

  5. something non-contentious... like what's the best beer in the world and how much should it cost...

  6. Or even a blog about blogging. Always a good subject. Beer blogging does appear to be becoming a tad moribund with many bloggers packing up or blogging infrequently. Maybe a call to arms to save beer blogging!

  7. "How about a nice gentle piece on what you think makes the perfect pub?"


  8. And fourthed, if that's the right word! I'm sure we would all love to learn what constitutes your "Moon Under Water" pub, Tandleman.

  9. Would be only sensible, seeing Tand is a pub man above all else.

  10. Surely time for you to video review a really expensive bottled beer using a bowl-like glass..?

  11. Well I doubt that I'll be reviewing expensive beer, though I do have a couple of 20 quid ones. As for my perfect pub, like Orwell I have some ideas of what it would contain, so maybe.

    I like Cookie's suggestion and agree that blogging has become moribund, with one or two exceptions. Still, what do I know? I'm at number 60 something and falling!

  12. Ooo I like the video blog idea.

    You can get a giant wine glass here.


    Can I ask you grow a beard for it?

  13. Professor Pie-Tin7 November 2012 at 15:44

    You can tell you were keen in that first post because you replied to every comment ( even if there were only two of them. )
    However I always enjoy reading your stuff and even occasionally taking the piss out of you.
    And yes I'm firmly in the sparkler camp too.
    Here's to the next ton.

  14. Moribund? Oh dear. Are we all bored of the sound of our own voices? Er, 'look of our own typing', I mean.

  15. Sparklers? Oh yes, those were the things people used on handpumps before the Craft Keg came along and spoilt it all.

  16. Be fair Dave. Craft beer hasn't quite spoilt everything.

    But I know what you mean. Honest of you to say.

  17. Prof

    You are welcome to take the piss. Any reaction is better than none!

  18. I want to see a blog where you write pint by pint. I'll lend you my phone if you don't have the technology.

    Hell, I'll buy you the gallon.

    You know you want to...


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