Thursday 19 January 2017

Live at MBCF (3)

Well it's all happening or happened here. A great crowd, fantastic beer and the two biggest days still to go. OK, my knees are knackered but today's highlights include a very tasty brekkie from Greggs - don't knock it you snobs - seeing loads of friends and my lass laughing a lot with cask beer in her hand - the wonderful apple and pork pies from the Crusty Pie Company, a very inadvisable hat photo and last, but by no means least, the couple who were chucked out for shagging in the toilets.

Now you may think the latter outcome was unfair and  I must admit the rules of the festival are silent about sexual intercourse in the privacy of trap one of the ladies - we'll learn from that one - but in fairness to the complainant, her pint, carefully placed on the floor of the adjacent cubicle while she did her business,  was knocked over by the vibrating wall of the trap next door. That was a step too far. This is a beer festival after all. You can't have rampant passion at the cost of someone's ale.The complaint was upheld and the miscreants ejected - albeit grinning widely.

This was a tricky situation, but looking at this as a whole, two very satisfied customers - albeit taking no further part in proceedings - can't be a bad thing. Please don't try this at home though. Keep your beer well away from such shenanigans.

I understand that the stewards called to this unpleasant scene decided to wait until events had reached their natural conclusion. Discrete or what?
Just been called to another Health and Safety incident. A guy fell off a chair while blowing up a balloon. "I'm alright" he said," but the balloon got away as I fell over."



  1. I remember a similar incident at one of the very early Stockport Beer Festivals. We contemplated asking the offending couple back to open the next one, but thought better of it...

    1. It took two people to blow up a balloon at Stockport Beer Festival? That's odd rather than offensive.

  2. It's gone off with a bang then, (the balloon of course).

  3. Must have inflated self esteem.

  4. Surely the lesson here is not to take your pint to the toilet with you? Obviously not a CAMRA member.

  5. Syd Differential24 January 2017 at 16:20

    The Horn of Plenty ?
    Seems a bit rash for ejecting a couple for a spot of jiggery-pokery.
    But what a tale to tell when they back to their local.

  6. Syd. I asked the Head Steward the reason. "Jealousy" he said.

  7. Syd. I asked the Head Steward the reason. "Jealousy" he said.


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