An American Brewer mate of mine from years ago, in an act of kindness and generosity, recently sent me a case of his beer, including a new Imperial IPA. I won't name names except to say it is West Coast. I was looking forward to trying the six different beers within.
It arrived safe in the UK and a note from UPS when I was at NWAF said they'd tried to deliver it and no-one was in. Could I re-arrange? I did so and the day before it was due to come, I had a phone call. UPS tell me they have had a major raid at their Manchester warehouse and my shipment, along with many others has been stolen. I should inform the shipper I was told, as will they, as they are of course insured. Well that's fine and dandy then. Not.
I was almost speechless. I am not sure which infuriates me most, that some Manchester scallies are scoffing my lovely beer, or, more likely, have discarded it as not their sort of thing, or an international parcel service that is so insecure and incompetent that its warehouse can be so easily raided.
Either way, I am mightily pissed off.