Now this isn't my favourite bit of being an active CAMRA member, though it does give me as Branch Chairman, a much needed chance to talk to more licensees. I had five to survey this year and did two at lunchtime. Both were fully up to snuff I am happy to say and well deserved of their GBG nominations. I rarely have a drink on these visits, as I'm driving, but today, a pint of Lees Brewer's Dark was luscious with chocolate and roast malt notes, while Holt's Mild was full bodied, quite bitter for the style, with a dry finish. Two lovely and contrasting local milds. Grand.
I suppose surveying does have its compensations.
I'm glad you avoided the cliché: "it's a lousy job but..." etc. But I'm wondering what you're surveying if you rarely have a drink on these visits?
RedNev. You haven't done any surveys have you? You are checking facts such as opening hours, phone numbers, features, food times and all the things that go to make a GBG entry. Plus very importantly that there is no contravention of CAMRA policy such as misleading dispense.
The quality bit has already been done and voted on.
Actually I have, years ago, but some of your other readers will not have done. You seem to be slightly irritated by a simple enquiry, one that may well have crossed the mind of a non-CAMRA person.
RedNev - It was meant tongue in cheek. Sorry if it came across otherwise. I take your point.
That's interesting... in our branch all the surveys are done before the selection meeting, including the beer quality. We have a final bus trip into Northumberland this weekend to squeeze in another 10 pubs before the selection meeting on Monday!
And yes, Holt's Mild and Lees' Mild are both fantastic beers.
Ever stopped to consider how self-important you are? You're casting judgement on real people's businesses as if you have a god given right, yet you don't accept criticism
In what sense.Please elaborate.
As a drinker I often read the local CAMRA websites and ask people about good places to drink when I go to a new town as otherwise people will end up drinking in dodgy pubs serving iffy beer that aren't deserving of their custom.
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