February 2025. Redbourne. Lincolnshire. One of the problems with rural
Lincolnshire pubs, and BRAPA is your oracle here, is that they serve such a
small po...
6 hours ago
And good news for punters not stupid enough to think 3 quid is good value. Pints at a reasonable price, I applaud !
Maybe it's better to invest in JDW than Brewdog??
At a P/E (price to earnings) ratio of 18.76, you would be buying JDW within margin of error in terms of price/value. Not a bargain as such. Warren Buffet buys dollars for 50 cents. Buying dollars for dollars JDW.
You can't knock Wetherspoon's success - they are obviously giving people what they want. And keeping CAMRA onside is a wise policy - if CAMRA were going about telling people to avoid their pubs it would be a major dent in their image.
Read about this on the Morning Advertiser site earlier - and it was rife with spelling and grammatical errors so I sent a snotty email to the author (the editor!) and missed the point of the story slightly! I completely agree that is isn't bad news for cask ale - there are some Spoons that I detest (Calvert's Court in Stockport) but there are also some very good ones. I really hope the majority of the new ones are good ones!
I'm what might be described as 'sniffy' about some aspects of Wetherspoon's service. And I wouldn't eat there for a treat.
But they do what they do reasonably well. Lots of beer, and cheap price. Plus they have clean toilets. Can't really see how this is meant to be bad news for anyone.
It is good news for real ale. I tend to be sniffy about a number of plebian things, but not JDW!
And keeping CAMRA onside is a wise policy - if CAMRA were going about telling people to avoid their pubs it would be a major dent in their image
I don't think the average chav really cares if they keep CAMRA on side or not. Cheap piss is what the punters want. JDW sell a lot more lout than real ale.
Its best to think of JDW as a franchise operation rather than a chain. The difference between a good McW & a bad one is massive. I still cant understand why a significant proportion of CAMRA members are so against them though
It's funny how beer " aficionados " get all arsey about supping a decent,well-kept real ale in a JDW where the service is good and the bogs are clean but then don't seem to mind drinking the same pint in a rustic local with a curmudgeon for a landlord, iffy toilets and regulars who are obviously the end product of in-breeding.
Weatherspoons have found a successful formula and they're flourishing in the midst of a recession.
More power to their elbow.
Cheap piss is what the punters want. JDW sell a lot more lout than real ale.
Yes, but if JDW did not sell real ale at all, they would be constantly criticised by CAMRA and would get a poor public image. Remember Watneys and "avoid like the plague" - even though most Watneys customers probably quite liked Red.
Also selling real ale improves the social mix of customers ;-)
a rustic local with a curmudgeon for a landlord, iffy toilets and regulars who are obviously the end product of in-breeding.
Where can I find these pubs? In most parts of the country, "progress" has wiped them out and replaced them with dull identikit dining pubs.
"I don't think the average chav really cares if they keep CAMRA on side or not. Cheap piss is what the punters want. JDW sell a lot more lout than real ale."
But presumably JDW care. They obviously think it's a worthwhile relationship. Hence their sponsorship, via their discount vouchers, of Camra membership.
The thing that always seems to be overlooked is that Timbo started off, not that long ago in the great scheme of tnings, with only one pub. We ought to be saying "well done mate" surely?
More pubs selling real ale AND cooking lager at low prices. Surely few people can be upset by that. The unfair competition argument against JDW doesn't really stand up because all other PubCos are in theory just as capable of bulk discounts as JDW is.
But we all know why in practice they're not. They're piled up with billions of pounds worth of debts and are trying to pay the interest by overcharging and rent hikes. As a model for capitalist companies in a supposedly free market economy, they are a complete failure. JDW provides an alternative business model that works to the benefit of customers. For that, we should be grateful to JDW, whether we actually like their pubs or not. Why unsuccessful PubCo methods are shielded by what amounts to Government protectionism is beyond me.
I've just noticed your last comment, TM; you're right.
It seems Timmy is now an expert in Wetherspoons amongst other things,despite living at the other side of the world.Mind you,it's the only place big enough for his ego.
Captain Jack
"if JDW did not sell real ale at all, they would be constantly criticised by CAMRA and would get a poor public image"
Poorer than their current image? Even though I never really appreciated the experience JDW had to offer, I take my hat off to them for the ability to expand their operation during a recession. Their business model certainly works.
BTW - lets have a round of applause to Captain Jack for his constructive critiques.
I should also point out that JDW are supporters of proper real keg. I recall having a fine pint of Lucan Pilsner at the Heathrow branch at one stage.
Come on Captain Jack, are you suffering in the ego department??
Shake your ass a bit, let loose!
The only problem I have with JDW is when a new one is created in say a bus depot that never used to be a pub. This takes trade away from other pubs.
Even then I have no problem with it as this is clearly what the market demands. However, we have to realise that other pubs have to close as a result. If one JDW is formed from a change of use of a building then we have to accept several other smaller pubs will then also have a change of use into something else.
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