Now that the two main traumas of January (NWAF and GBG Selection Meeting) are behind me and my nerves are returning to a more settled state, it is time to turn to more simple pleasures. (No, not that.) First up this week is a CAMRA Branch Meeting, which I intend to make as brief as I can in order to combine it with a side visit to the Regal Moon for their Stout and Porter Festival. This is a bit of an ad hoc festival, as Chris the manager decided just last week it would be an interesting start to February. And why not?
Later in the week I must

Another deadly run in with the Bury Bachant will occur on Saturday, when along with the lovely E and a bunch of other lushes, there will be a close encounter of the third kind with the Sheffield Tap - my first visit there and eagerly awaited - and then a side order of the Hillsborough Hotel and the Wellington.
I'll have an abrupt change of scene the following week, with a (more or less) alcohol free trip to see my dear old Mum in Scotland. I do intend though to squeeze in a visit to at least a couple of Glasgow's finest boozers, so any "mustn't miss" tips for that are welcome, as I'm well behind the curve on Glasgow these days. (Barm?) After that I intend to have a very quiet week before a longish trip to London, where I'll be casting a critical eye over the Kernel Brewery Saturday gig, Cask, the Jolly Butchers and no doubt others. So do make sure that beer temperature and condition is correct chaps. (I will be free to dispense my impeccable beer opinions on Thursday 24th Feb if anyone is around.) My final plan for the time being is too see if we can fit in a little trip to Vienna before the end of March. If the price is right.
That lot should provide the blog with a bit of juicy material and hopefully will be pretty enjoyable too. At least for me.