You may have noticed I am getting spammed a lot at the moment. It all seems to be from the same area and so, reluctantly, I am going to put some word verification on for a short time until this attack passes. I am against this and it would not be needed if Blogger would just allow you to block anonymous comments. It is a bloody nuisance for commentators to decipher the stuff to allow comments, as I have just found out on
RedNev's blog where it took three goes before I got it right.
So Folks, sorry, but it will only be for a short time.
When I worked in Liverpool, Newforge Foods beside our office made Spam. They don't now. Seems they have gone bust.
You can block anonymous comments, but it also involves blocking anyone who doesn't have a Blogger or OpenID account.
When I asked the question on my blog the majority said they preferred word verification to blocking anonymous comments.
You can set comments to "Registered Users Only" which will stop spam without the need for word verification.
I've managed to make it on my blog so that you can't post comments without being registered to google or any of the Open ID things. It's a setting in the posts and comments part of blogger.
has this spam been tested for horse DNA?
Had the same problem on mine. Word verifaction seems to have stopped it for the time being.
Also...Thank you for posting this. I found your website extremely useful and very informative. blah blah blash, spam spam spam... ;)
I tried a few days without word verification and got loads of spam, so back it went on. I agree that the letters on the verification can be ridiculously distorted, sometimes making it impossible to work out what they're supposed to be.
I find that word verification on and comment moderation off keeps most spam at bay. I now get no more than one or two spam items a month.
"I find that word verification on and comment moderation off keeps most spam at bay. I now get no more than one or two spam items a month."
Yes, that works for me. Moderating posts is a bit of a ballache, to be honest, and also disrupts the flow of debate.
I have it set to moderate posts over a month old which catches the occasional spammer.
If you find the letters indecipherable you can just keep hitting refresh until you get a nice easy one.
Moderating posts is a how do you stop spam bit of a ballache, to be honest, and also disrupts the flow of debate.
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