Seems my favourite pub snack is attracting attention. Cheese and onion - cheese and bloody onion - crisps have overtaken ready salted as the UK's favourite crisp flavour. This is madness.
And why is there some kind of crisp apartheid going on on the UK? You can get smoky bacon crisps - my favourite - in virtually any pub in Scotland, even JDW, but down here in England? No!
I despair!
Walker's new hoisin and duck are nice though, as are the fish and chips. The cajun squirrel ones are crap and I haven't tasted the rest. I'm too cool to actually vote in their "competition" though.
I haven't had any of them, but thanks to Charlie Brooker, I don't need to now.
Nice link. Actually on reflection, the fish and chips one is crap too.
if you think ready salted is better than cheese and onion you are wrong
See? That's the problem with anonymous comments. Not only do the authors hide, but the comments are invariably daft!
Builders' Breakfast are good - layers of flavour, including egg.
OTOH Onion Bhaji tastes like onion bhaji, but that's all there is to them, nothing more to discover crisp after crisp.
Dsappointing lack of real squirrel in the Cajun Squirrel.
Sweet Thai Chili, and another one that was marinated in Old Peculiar were my faves.
Crisps? CRISPS? Pork scratchings, please, preferably in something the size of a Tesco bag.
Oh, and the chocolate and chilli ones are vile.
As an Australian, I still insist that crisps should be called chips
Is ready salted a flavour??
C&O is the only flavour crisps I'd ever order in a pub, but I'm a big Twiglet fan so they are always my first choice.
Keep buying the crisps everybody. Indirectly it's keeping me in a job.
Aussies don't call them crisps? God things are worse than I thought!
Spot on.Ready salted isn't even a flavour.And crisps as chips? Thought that was just poncy pubs over here taking the piss.Kettle chips my arse.
The grease and monosodium glutamate on crisps and other pub snacks affects the taste buds. This may explain some of the bizarre views on beers I've read on this blog ~ you're all munching while you're drinking! I never buy such things myself.
(-: No smokey bacon? You right. Another victim of neo puritism
I think you will find Rednev that these snacks are just an occasional treat for most of us and soon wshed away by beer.
Walkers are owned by Pepsico, one of the most insidious multinationals in the world. They fill 'em full of MSG, flavourings and other crap so why put money into their hands?
Unless I see independent crisps - Tyrrells, Seabrooks and the like - none of my money goes to oil the capitalist machine!!
I'm a Golden Wonder man myself. Mind you they are owned by Northern Irish outfit Tayto. Anything against them?
SD - I reckon you are right on that one!
Gazza, are not the producers of Tyrrells and Seabrooks crisps capitalists too?
Or are you suffering from your usual obsession of dismissing any product produced by a large company?
If only we had Tayto Cheese and Onion over here. You can get them in Home Bargains for 15p a packet. Truly the food of champions.
"Salty Dog" crisps are good too.
"Gazza, are not the producers of Tyrrells and Seabrooks crisps capitalists too?"
They are, but as ever there are shades of grey... at least these companies are run with an attempt at making something tasty yet without harmful additives. And the money stays in the UK which is better than it going to a corporation in America who don't care or give anything back to us.
And I do generally dismiss stuff from big companies for a good reason - 99% of the time it's shite!
"And I do generally dismiss stuff from big companies for a good reason - 99% of the time it's shite!"
Gazza, I think I might disagree with you on the capitalist side of things, but the bit about big companies I'm right with you on that.
Tyrrells crisps are scrummy, I sell them, unfortunately, I think that makes me a capitalist.
As an American, I vote for sour cream and onion or barbecue flavor. And I like my potato chips with ridges.
Hi Krista - Thanks for dropping by. Crinkle cut crisps are a different genre altogtherimo. I like sour cream and onion though.
or even in my opinion. That's what you get with abbreviations - word inventing.
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