March (finally) 2025. Stockport. Up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed on
Saturday morning in Stockport for some more sauntering and less sauce,
perhaps an allit...
6 hours ago
I remember him. Your exchanges with him were classic. I'm guessing he got tired and quit. This happens sometimes, as certain people are not prepared mentally for a blog, or the arts.
I thought you'd gone for a while Wurst, until I tracked you down at your new home.
I'm glad you did. I'm in it for the long haul.
You've come a long way from being my number one nuisance commenter, Peter. What did I give birth to? ;-)
Well Jeff, I guess that there isn't quite so much to disagree with now you've changed direction.(-:
Or maybe I'm just mellowing?
"Whatever Happened to Dave Hastings?"
Who cares...
Maybe he re invented himself as a new wind up merchant.
Is it you Cookster?
I'm not a wind up merchant, Tandy, I'm a simple cooking lager enthusiast in the broad and wide universe of beer appreciation.
Fairy Nuff.
I could've had something to do with Herr Hastings. I'm a bit of the Malcolm Mclaren type.
The internecine warfare between CAMRA types reflects the fact so many of you have trade union backgrounds.
I always find that the people serving on at the GBBF divide into two broad categories: those who look like extras for Lord of the Rings, and those who look like they're no stranger to a cheap denim jacket and the wrong end of a police truncheon.
Jeff - great description of the women serving at GBBF.
But what about the men ?
Dave Hastings who?
"The internecine warfare between CAMRA types reflects the fact so many of you have trade union backgrounds.
I always find that the people serving on at the GBBF divide into two broad categories: those who look like extras for Lord of the Rings, and those who look like they're no stranger to a cheap denim jacket and the wrong end of a police truncheon."
Ok, I give in. Whst's this to do with this Dave Hastings bloke?
"The internecine warfare between CAMRA types reflects the fact so many of you have trade union backgrounds et seq."
Jeff. Apart from the irrelevance of this, I just wonder why you wish to be so provocative and, well, silly?
Things were better and nicer when you were in your own little world.
Gratuitous pops in blogging just ain't the way to go.
He's probably got a drink problem. What's on his mind comes out when he's a little pishy. You don't even want to know the state I'm in when I write various tracks. Beer is a truth serum. Look, I despise CAMRA as much as the next guy, but I appreciate what you do Herr'man and you're pretty CAMRA'ee.
Just picked this one up after returning from Amsterdam (and some pretty amazing beer, I can tell you, as well as one Danish effort that was horrific, but I digress).
David Hasting was, as far as I know a genuine person posting under his own name. His anti-CAMRA stance was a hoot - I particularly liked the time he barred himself from the GBBF after discovering most of the profits went to CAMRA. Didn't he also try and set up a Facebok group to try and rival CAMRA's 100,000 members? I think it petered out at about 27.
Our friend Cookie, by contrast, is as we all know, a spoof who, for self proclaimed "northern scum" who professes to enjoy a pint of "lout", lets his erudition come through far too much to be remotely convincing (is anyone still taken in by this?) but who is also extremely entertaining and long may he continue.
Yep, Cookie is brilliant. More power to his elbow.
I'm welling up guys. Group Hug all round the beer blogosphere. Oh an what is the point of being anti CAMRA? CAMRA has a useful function. It gives odd balls a nice club so they hang out with each other, and steer clear from normal folk. Kind of like the Tory party, the freemasons, or Ketley model railway enthusiasts club. If it wasn't for their stance on cheap grog, I'd give them the thumbs up.
Praise indeed!
Clarke, let me mention a few things. Firstly, Hastings and I were scheming. He and I were going to try and reach Herr'man on the telephone in a three way and record it. I opted out at the last minute because I didn't want Herr'man to implode. Secondly, APRK still lives in the hearts and souls people. It's manifested into The Chronicles, and it will manifest again. I've been working on designs for close to a year for t-shirts. I will eventually be doing limited edition runs of shirts with cartoon characterizations of Herr'man, Bell, The Dr. and even Pattinson, if I can find a picture of him. If no picture, I'll settle for an image of Martha Stewart. So it wasn't all Hastings. You people have yet to kill me off, and from the looks of it, that isn't going to happen any time soon.
Like THAT was going to happen! Still I expect a free T shirt and I don't do white!
I'd like a free one too, as I'm too tight to buy one.
Herr'man, it was possible. I had people behind the scenes finding out when you might be at The Tandle Hill Tavern. I'll keep you posted on shirts. I'll probably have 'em done in white, black and gray.
News flash.APRK is dead.Hastings has given up and Timmy has gone mental and started making up his own blog posts and will shortly be involved in a costly legal dispute.Leaving just Wurst.No offence to you as I am a big fan of Proper Real Keg and think you are quite funny.
Thanks Bear! Congratulations on coming out! Have you seen the 1964 classic, "Leather Boys?" Great film and a chronicle of your struggle.
Congrats Bazza, or is it Gazza??? Don't get angry with me - it's never cool to shoot the messenger
Sorry, Peter, you can't deny CAMRA is infested with ex-trade union types. I think that's where the distrust of any and all authority and big business comes from.
You can't just get a monk on when people have different perspectives from you.
And by the way, Peter, as proved by this thread, you blog is the focus for almost all of the unpleasantness and arguing that goes on in this beer blog scene - not mine. So don't have a go at me for being part of a scene you've cultivated.
I think I'll just leave that to the judgement of others Jeff. It's all on the record.
Yes, Peter, a 33 comment thread started by you entirely devoted to attacking someone (this Dave Hastings chap), that led to all sorts of other personal attacks on various people by various people. I'm not trying to take the high ground, I'm just pointing out that you of all people can't do so!
I actually (mostly)enjoyed Dave Hastings and I'm (mostly)sorry he has gone. He provided a bit of difference, but we've got Cookie now.
I think the worst thing I said was "indeed". So I stand by my record with the odd regret of course.
On occasion there is a bit of biff on blogs. I just accept it is part of the rough and tumble.It's rarely a serious falling out matter.
Even me and Dear Old Sausage rub along now. (-:
What's the problem Biffo? Read the thread carefully.It hardly onstitutes an attack on this Dave Hastings bloke.Most of it isn't even about him.And Tandleman doesn't attack him at all.So I think your comment about Tandleman being a nuisance commenter on your blog,which he wasn't anyway,is very revealing.You're up to your old mischief.Probably fucking jealous now Tandleman is the no 1 blogger and you are a has been.
It's amazing what topics generate the most comments.On the UK coin collecting forums the average replies are 7-12 comments.One guy posted about an old coin's image that looked like a cock and got 75 replies.Don't know this Dave Hastings but reading his stuff,he comes across as a know all,egotistical wannabe.Bit like timmy.
Barry, like most people who comment here you are a tool and a twat.
Finished now children?
Interesting, but I didn't post that last comment from me...... Hmmm, I have a pretender now. Nice.
BTW - I think we all know who Barry is a sockpuppet for. No point in calling a fictitious person a twat. Sorry for these goons spamming your comments again Pete.
If I'm a has been why do I have more readers than before? Sorry mate, you might want it to be so, but it isn't.
Rub along?? You bet your arse! We're tight Pete! I have every intention of visiting you someday, as well as Bell, Woolpack Dave, The Doctor, Prescotti, Avery, etc. I've got to got to Prescotti's town anyway to do a Lea&Perrins Tour.
Whatcha make of
Monchshof Schwarzbier?? I've drank gallons of it this afternoon, early evening. I'm heading towards the Balvenie now!
Total Blessed Care with a tad of Christ's love thrown in for good measure!!
Timmy you are getting weirder if that's possible.I'm a sockpuppet but you follow yourself up not once but twice and are now creeping to the man you frequently called a twat.Apologise for yourself you meathead.
I apologise cause you said so Barry. I am your sockpuppet and do as you command. BTW I have never called Pete a twat, just you. But everyone knows that.
Timmy you are a hoot.You are a notorious troll and cyber bully.When wurst was at war with Tandlman you were all for it agreeing that certain bloggers were "twats","real ale freaks" etc.It's all documented.Now it's "pete".You're a fucking hypocrite.And thick.Now you say you only called me a twat? Ok but two posts ago you were denying saying that!
OK lads that's it. Any more comments from either of you on this will be deleted. I have no idea who is trolling who here and I don't really care.
This is without doubt the most entertaining exchange I've read here. Obviously I'd hate it and delete it immediately if it was on my own blog, but then nice respectable people frequent that... ;-)
Biffo,you claim not to be a has been and getting more readers.My point was that you've slipped down the rankings.That's a fact.Funny how when you were top of the tree,you couldn't stop shouting about it.But then has beens are always the last to know.
Christ, didn't I end this during the trial?? Who's looking for an album?? A wild guess says Barry.
Come on, come on, hurry up Barry Come on.....We're going down the gay bar.....
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