As if there isn't enough brown beer in London already - with a few honourable exceptions - Greene King has announced yet another.
Launched today, (YAWN) Royal London (4% abv) is billed as rich, fruity and full of flavour, combining crystal malt with challenger and golding hops.
Read all about this cutting edge stuff here.
I have no doubt that if it were brewed by a beardie weirdie in shed and only availible in 1 pub, the CAMRA lot would be more enthusiastic.
Doubt it.
GK were so much better when they had a few distinctive beers. Now too many taste the same. I expect OSH taste-alike.
"I have no doubt that if it were brewed by a beardie weirdie in shed and only availible in 1 pub, the CAMRA lot would be more enthusiastic"
Bollocks. CAMRA "old skool" love the old fashioned regionals and dislike - nay, distrust - anything from a brewery smaller than 100BBL. Only "tickers" like micro brewers, this is a fact well known.
london has got loads of non brown beer get around some good pubs instead of sticking to the same old city pubs . Bye the way Bamberg is famous for what ---smokey BROWN BEER .I REST MY CASE.
JohnG. Wrong really. And while Bamberg is famous for smoked beer, there are so many other options readily available, which is my main point.
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