E has just phoned from London. She is unwell and though she reckons it it just a cold, she's been looking up swine flu symptoms on NHS Direct, so she must be worried. I hope she is right and that it is just a cold, but as she is due back here tomorrow night, I'm turning the spare room into an isolation ward, just in case.
And ordering a bell for her to wear round her neck.
March 2025. Bender. Transnistria/Moldova. Yes, dangerously close to the
Ukrainian border. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office advised us not to
travel to T...
3 hours ago
It was quite touching until the final comment!
Do wish her well from us.
I think it's a false alarm folks. She now describes herself as "just a bit snotty".... next bulletin tomorrow. Thanks for the good wishes Bailey. I will pass them on.
I hope she feels better soon.
Cheers RedNev. I've woken up with a sore throat too. Damn.
I'm feeling worse now. Two ibuprofen and a couple of hours kip for me I reckon, even if it is sunny. Hoist by my own petard. Should have ordered two bells.
Christ, sort yourself out. Teeth issues, now you're feeling rough??
My recommendation, pound fluids(water) and bathe in Epsom Salts twice daily.
Wurst - I'll take your water advice. Not sure about Epsom Salts though.
You caught me right in the middle of a 90 minute mash!
Epsom Salt is Magnesium Sulfate. It will draw the shit out of you.
The body's magnesium level increases when soaking with magnesium sulfate, which is necessary for serotonin, a mood-regulating neurotransmitter that may increase feelings of relaxation and well-being.
Pour a pint and get into the bath!
She has infected you with only a phone call. Forget Typhoid Mary, Typhoid E will be her moniker henceforth!
Lock yourself in the spare room and await the arrival of the emergency services.
I had Schweinegrippe and it didn't even reach man-cold levels. Just a cough and some snot. Still, had to stay home for a week (apart from an 11 hour drinking session in Dortmund) so those with lesser constitutions wouldn't be infected. :oP
Basically, you might just have a sore throat and cough, but it could actually be H1N1 :)
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