Somehow it always used to make me think he'd smuggled his last (and unwisely purchased beer) into a black cab while completely pissed. Anyone see what I'm getting at here?
Young man, with beer, slumped in back of a taxi?
For the po faced; in case of doubt, this is a light hearted post.
Yes, shocking. It's all that's wrong about our drunken yoof.
I am, however, quite impressed by his ability to keep the glass upright whilst seemingly comatose.
What you can't see is that I actually have no trousers on, a kebab in my hand and a street cone on top of my head. I decided to 'crop' these from the picture to retain my 'dignity'. It seems I've been busted!
I think I can see the edge of the polystyrene kebab box.
I'll leave others to speculate about your trouser deportment and choice of headgear! (-;
Don't knock it, old timers. Dredge is the future.
"Don't knock it, old timers. Dredge is the future."
I seriously fucking hope not!
I'd scoop world cup crisps if they weren't made by Pepsico (aka Walkers) and therefore boycotted on account of them being multinational capitalist crud-peddling tossers.
Why couldn't Seabrooks do them instead?!?!?!?
We have a mutual acquaintance who had a real gift f0r falling asleep with a half full glass, and waking up after the passing of time (sometimes overnight) without spilling said glass. Is he alone with this talent or has anyone else discovered this strange mutation of the human condition?
Not me, certainly - and when I do fall asleep with a glass in my hand, Murphy's Law states that the glass will contain either (a) stout or (b) red wine and the carpet will be a pale one.
Karman, it is possibly related to the ability to navigate one's way home safely while incredibly drunk, yet be unable to remember the next morning how one actually got home.
I fully agree! In fact, i refuse to beleive it's anything else.
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