The gaul!
On Monday I mentioned drinking at Asterix, a beer bar and restaurant in
central São Paulo. While the draft selection is modest, the stock of cans
and bottl...
1 hour ago
Tandleman's Random and Particular Thoughts on Beer.
Having read that along with the MA link, one point got missed due no doubt to the amusing swipe at the beardies.
I'm fond of knocking the RATs myself but the basic point was that the beer industry needs to cater for the silent majority of regular boozers, and not worry too much about a small niche of campaigning beer geeks.
He is right, there. 3 years on, beer geekery is a small niche of the market, not the market.
This prompted me to see what we were saying three years ago: we were complaining about how cold and unwelcoming a country pub was.
Seems natural for geeks to push for an overall improvement in the market (in their view) while big companies push the other way.
Big brewers want to give the mass of punters what they want (very sensible) but also try subtly to convince those punters that what they want is the same thing that's most convenient/profitable for them to sell.
3 years ago I was coming to the end of my "Pub Week" series, and was opining about the wonders of U slovanske lipy and the glories of Kout na Sumave's lager. Ah, happy days.
Three years ago, I was drinking far to much Pils, and was about to embark on my first trip to Brussels, which was nice. I was also unaware of the adventure of buying a dilapidated farmhouse that was awaiting me. Ah, those days of innocence.
Resume Examples
3 years ago I was planning to get pissed with some bloggeratti bigshot called Tandleman. Hmmm I see what you mean about not much changing.
Three years ago I was two days off launching my beer and music blog. I note that my first beer-related post was a rant at Gordon Brown on beer duty, a topic I covered most recently a fortnight ago. So, you could say not much change there.
I was about to write the line "if I wasn’t into beer I’d be a sadder but thinner person"...
That was 3 years ago? where the #$%^ did that time go?
Hi there, I'd like to invite the good people of Tandleman's Beer blog to a product launch. Could someone provide an email address I contact you guys at? Thank you.
Responding to your original post Rednev disparaged the name 'Top Totty'. What goes around...
I see I was attacking the Chief Medical Officer’s proposal for a minimum 50p-a-unit price for alcoholic drinks. Not much changed in three years there either, then.
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