Tickers weep. I'm about to tell you about a beer I've had and you'll never have. This is an exclusive and I just stumbled across it. More or less.
Before going to Munich recently, I had hurriedly printed off some stuff about craft beers in Munich. Mostly just where to buy it, or drink it, but among the restaurants and pubs, there were two new breweries listed - both just with addresses and little else. They were served by the same S Bahn station, so, with my companions, we thought, "Why not?" and set off. The one we were really aiming for was Brauerei Im Eiswerk which was supposedly a small offshoot run by Paulaner, one of the Munich giants. We found it easily enough, in a quiet yard behind the huge Paulaner-Hacker Pschorr Brewery, but it all looked a bit closed. As we nosed around, a door opened and my friend John explained the purpose of our mission to the charming young lady (one of the brewers as it turned out) that opened it. She fetched another gentleman who turned out to be the Head Brewer. He explained that the brewery produced a number of exclusive beers which are sold to the public by pre-arranged collection once or twice a month. It wasn't open to the public other than that. Ah well.

We asked Herr Zuber about himself and the Paulaner-Hacker Pschorr set up. He trained as a brewer at Weihenstephan and used to be Head of Production and Quality Assurance in the main brewery. In addition to his duties in the Ice Factory, he has the responsibility nowadays of overseeing all of Paulaner's 30 odd breweries abroad and has to visit them to ensure quality. A tough job, but someone has to do it I suppose. He is a big hop fan and of course we asked him, among many other things, about whether he'd like to brew an IPA. "Well" he said, "I have in fact done so, here in this brewery, just to show others we can do it". But he added you won't likely ever see a Paulaner IPA released on general sale from Paulaner- HackerPschorr, as the aim of the Ice Factory is quite different. He again paused and thought for a second. "Would you like to try my IPA?" Er. "Yes please" we chorused. So we did. 100% Cascades and perhaps at the less hoppy end of that particular spectrum, it was nonetheless a unique tasting experience. It won't ever be released and when the keg is emptied or goes stale, that will be that.
As I have said before, brewers are generally lovely people who like to talk about beer, but this was above and beyond that. Herr Zuber was kindness itself, giving an hour and a half of his time to four complete strangers. It never ceases to amaze me that beery folks are the best. But it shouldn't really, should it?
Paulaner and Hcker Pschorr don't compete against each other any more, but rather, complement beer ranges which are separate brews and mostly different. That was an interesting part of our visit to me at least. The top photo is Martin Zuber and the other one a not very good photo of the lovely little stainless steel Eiswerk Brauerei kit.
We did go to the other brewery mentioned in my first paragraph. It took me back to my younger beer hunting days. More on that another time.
Exactly why I love this industry. People recognise a shared passion and will go out of their way to indulge it and spread their own enjoyment.
A nice tale.
Uh-huh. The downfall of der deutschen Bierkultur continues apace!
This sounds nice.
Paulaner have done one or two in a new series of "Braumeister" beers, the first one I know of was a year ago or so, simply a decently hopped lager. IOW, the best Paulaner beer I've ever had, putting it on a par with any number of clean Franconian lagers.
(I personally would call it "Ice Works" rather than "Factory" (Fabrik), a la Kraftwerk.)
Fascinating stuff. As I've often said, he's not all bad, is Johnny Heineken.
beautiful story, beautiful people, beautiful place.
Ice Works is fine for me too Nick, but then I'm not a pedant.
I commented on Twitter but wanted to do so her, too - lovely story. One for the archive, for sure.
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