"The Saddleworth poster has a drawing of the front of the building as you approach up the street, however the significant part of the drawing for those in the know, was the grid at the side of the pavement on the left. This related to an incident after the Sunday lunch time drinking up session the previous year when a young lady had got rather drunk in the two hour session and instead of using the toilets at the entrance/exit had decided to sit down on the pavement outside and have a piss in the grid. As there is a panoramic view from the window in the hall, this was witnessed by several of the members who were clearing up."
Things weren't always easy in the old days you know.
I have loads more of this old toffee. It'll serve you right if I post it.
They were the days when our branch used to visit this festival in a 53-seat coach.
Surprised Cookie isn't yet on the case with this one - I would have thought it was right up his street.
This one is a case of "check your privilege" and "stop victim shaming". As you were.
John Clarke, all your comments suggest you're ancient but having now met you (twice and in surprisingly quick succession!) you certainly don't look it. I mean that dodge ear ring dates you a bit unfavourably, but your boat race is relatively youthful.
This one is a case of "check your privilege" and "stop victim shaming". As you were.
Who's this aimed at? Seems a bit of a non sequitor.
Ah yes Jeff, but you should see the picture in the attic.
Tandleman, you need to check your privilege because it is male privilege to be able to piss wherever you want, standing up (see here, point 3, if you think I'm on a wind up: http://everydayfeminism.com/2015/05/proof-male-privilege/).
And you're victim shaming because you're making fun a woman who had to piss in a drain. She was a victim of that male privilege.
It's a good job you've got us younger beer bloggers to keep you up to speed on gender issues. I don't know.
John Clarke, I've got one of those pictures in the attic, he looks about 36, whereas I look... oh dear. I got this Dorian Gray stuff wrong, innit.
Well fuck me. I think more lasses should have the balls.... well not the balls ...... to piss in a grid as required. Bet there isn't a feminist around that hasn't.
By suggesting women shouldn't have balls you're being transgenderist. Watch it.
Use a grid and become a victim. You read it here first.
My coat's on a shoogly peg here.
Until I looked it up I thought you were talking about chapel hat pegs there :p
I'm sure you've worked it out by now.
Must go. I have a skelf in my finger!
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