The Food Court of Manchester's massive and eponymous Arndale Centre is a little haven from the lookalike chain stores that infest such places. Among stalls selling Chinese, Lebanese, Indian and other foods, facing the tramlines on Church St, is that most blessed and rare of beasts, a beer stall.
For some years it meandered along in a haphazard fashion selling mediocre beer from a Welsh micro in plastic glasses. Recently the lease was taken over by ambitious Manchester Micro Brewer, Boggart. Now Boggart beers aren't to everyone's taste, so is there cause for celebration? An emphatic yes. While Boggart beers do feature, it is the other arm of their operation that provides the real interest. Boggart factors beer for other brewers. It is a major supplier of cask beer to the free trade and to beer festivals. The fruits of this labour feature as guests on the stall. Despite its typical market size, it sports three handpumps for beer, plus Kupper's Koelsch on draught, as well as a handpumped cask cider. It sells a decent range of bottled beers too, including more or less, the full Brew Dog Range.

Spot the error in the price list?
It's been a while since I last visited - it was still the 'Paradise Brewery Bar' and was serving luke warm Shaw's beers at the time, although I did get it in a dimple pot! Next time I'm home I shall make an effort to revisit the place.
I noticed the error straight away, having had the beer before (very nice, too!) but I can see the similarity with pump clips...
"Spot the error in the price list? "
Would that be Kupper's Koelsch?
It is an ale not a lager me thinks (might be wrong there).
No Paul. That's not it. (-;
I can see the error too, though it took me a while to work it out.
That microbar sounds interesting; I hope to go there some time. I'd never go into the likes of the Arndale Centre otherwise.
Is it that the cider is (obscenely) underpriced, albeit Moonshine is an obscenely overrated cider...
Kolsch not really a continental lager ?
C'mon Guys. It isn't that and it is easy!
Now I wonder who really makes Cocoa Dance?
Oh, what a tease you are, TM!
If I was unkind RedNev, which you know I'm not, I could say what a lot of thickos. But I'm not. This blog exudes kindness, as well as milk and honey and turns the other cheek incomparably.
Will someone state the answer categorically please? Or shall I?
Thornbridge Cocoa Dance, please.
Indeed Chris!
Haven't set foot in the Arndale food court for about eight years - always assumed it was nothing but junk food.
The Paradise beer bar has moved to the Arndale Market, btw.
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