It seems too that the Germans are getting round their somewhat loophole filled smoking ban with comparative ease. Despite widespread smoking bans across Germany, more than four out of five corner pubs and bars still have patrons smoking inside, a study released on Tuesday has found. A survey of nearly 3,000 eating and drinking venues in 10 major cities found that complex and numerous exemptions are being widely exploited to allow smoking to continue.
Since August 2007, laws have been gradually introduced in all German states to protect people against passive smoke. However many exemptions exist. Düsseldorf had the most smoking bars and also the most breaches of the law with 41% of all hospitality venues still allowing smoking, but failing to warn their patrons that they do. Munich came out on top. A general smoking ban has been in force there since August 2010. Yet even here, 17 percent of bars make use of the single exception that is still possible in Bavaria – that smoking is permitted in private clubs or associations.
Meanwhile the German Brewers Association revealed that Germany has 1,325 breweries currently though warning at the same time that this number is likely to fall due to takeovers.
Finally, I'll leave you with this quote from a contributor to a discussion on the beer purity laws. "lots of countries in Europe allow brewers to use chemicals ,the lager in the U.K. has no natural things in it at all."
Oh well. But if you look at the photo, perhaps their beer is just too natural?
My thanks to The Local
"The lager in the Uk has no natural things in it at all"
Lets not fall into stereotypical views here, you ladenhosen wearing sausage muncher!
Where do you get the info that there's an exception to the Bavarian Rauchverbot allowing smoking in private clubs? AFAIK, any place operating in the gastro trade must be smoke free. The publicly-voted-in law from last August took away the exceptions for "clubs" that had previously existed.
And since most German beer is shite, maybe the public is just developing their palate?
Maybe that's a common German conception Neil.
Nick. TheLocal.de which I quote as the source. Their source is a survey done by The German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ)
Link? Can't seem to find it.
That picture shows why the words "German" and "sense of humour" should never be combined.
You just can't keep a good stereotype down. Mention the word "German" and the Dambusters Theme reverberates through certain beer blogger hearts.
There was a pub at the end of my street in Munich which, before the middle of last year, was always packed out with a bunch of happy geezers having a good time puffing merrily away. All the bar staff of course smoked like chimneys as well. Since August of last year when the total ban came in, it is entirely deserted every time I walk past, except for a few miserable looking soles camped round the door, who you have step into the road to avoid. Congratulations puritanism.
Since the total ban I've never seen smoking anywhere inside a bar - the Irish pub even has an "exclusion zone" around the entrance.
Well I haven't found that myself, but I'll check again in June when I'm there for five days.
Mind you back street locals are likely to "suffer" most.
I went to Munich a little while back and didn't notice a lot of smoking pubs. I've got a Munich related question for you - going back there for a long weekend this summer, where should I go for beer.
Mark - It depends. What are you after?
We did the Hofbrauhaus and Augustiner Bierhalle last time. I guess I'd be more interested in somewhere with good beer and less Australians. Somewhere that you're likely to get a table in but still near the city centre.
If there are any gems (not matter what the reason is) that you'd highly recommend then I'd be up for that - pretty open really.
Englischer Garten, Viktualien Markt, the Ayinger place right near the Hofbräuhaus. Not that the beer's that great anywhere in Munich for an in-Franconia-living Yank like me though!
Reasonable advice but I think I can do better. You go to Munich for the place, the gemutlichkeit, the people (and the chick watching - dirndls mmm) and the beer is perfectly good, but not exciting.
I'll let you know soon.
Keine Internet-Link, Tandelmann? I've tried, but can't seem to find any corresponding arDicle there.
AFAIK, and I've read the new law, any place operating in the gastro trade which allows smoking is breaking the law. A place hired out for a specific, private functino, however, might not be "in the trade", I suppose.
And when you lot descend upon München, will you be making a trip out to Andechs? I could be your guide up the hill.
WTF am I doing sitting here, it's a lovely day, I've got the afternoon free, and the Keller's open! Watch for me here:
Nick - I sent you the link directly to your home email. But here it is again.
Nick. There is a trip to Andechs planned, though not sure I'll be going having been there before and as for the walk through the woods, it doesn't need a guide really. Just follow the crowds! It would take up too much limited time I reckon. But I might as it is nice.
You Briten and your lacking sense of humour...of course a guide is unnecessary. IIRC there are signs marking the way anyway.
Spot on about Munich in general though: I love the city for itself, despite the relative sleepiness of the beer.
Thanks for the link, I see it's under "Society". I question the accuracy of the "single exception" in Bavaria though, I think these places are simply operating illegally. Unless they mean the shisha and cigar places. Their fate is still to be decided in court AFAIK.
Beeron, is it puritanism or the overthrowing of tyranny to be congratulated: of the minority over the majority?
Otherwise, love your blog about explaining quantum mechanics to a block of cheese. Couldn't put it better myself.
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