March 2025. Bender. Transnistria/Moldova. Yes, dangerously close to the
Ukrainian border. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office advised us not to
travel to T...
5 hours ago
Why not sup them?
Higsons and Greenalls.
Barm - Part of my history, so that won't happen, though you never know as I actually have more than one of each. Well of the Higgies for sure and I did have another of the Greenalls.
RedNev. Nice try mate but wrong way round (-;
I was putting the better beer first. I went to college in Warrington, and well remember the attractive Greenall's trade mark. I remember even better the mediocre Greenall's beers.
I've got an unused Greenall's ashtray somewhere, not pinched, but given to me the steward at our college bar, which sold Greenalls.
25 years or so ago, I used to drink at lunchtimes in a pub just outside Chester called the Cestrian, which was generally referred to as the Cesspit. It wasn't that bad as a pub, but the Greenall's bitter was pretty awful.
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