While in Leeds on Christmas Eve, I took my wallet in my hands and nipped into Zak Avery's shop for a quick peruse. I bought four bottles and had a chat with
Ghost Drinker, who seems a very nice chap. All the more so since he recognised me first, though fair enough, I did have an "I am Tandleman" T shirt on.

Two of the bottles remain undrunk and will be saved a for a couple of months, but since they are
Schneider Hopfenweisse and are pretty strong, I have no fears for their subsequent drinkability. The other two were from Thornbridge. The first, their Koelsch tastealike,
Tzara, described as a Koeln Style Beer and the second, the so very drinkable
Kipling. Apart from a bottle of Jaipur when it first came out, I don't believe I've ever had a bottled Thornbridge beer before. Now Koelsch is a beer style I like to think I know a little about, so how does Tzara measure up? Pretty well actually. It has the appealing freshness and clarity of taste that singles good koelsch out, though perhaps, perversely, it is a little bit too good, being what Koelsch ought to be rather than what it usually is. Nonetheless it is a great beer, not over carbonated, smooth and tasty, with just that hint of fruitiness and that noble German hop finish that should mark it out. And does. Overall I wouldn't mind buying a few of these again if I could get them locally at a decent price.
What about Kipling. Again it is the clarity of taste that appeals. Full of tropical flavours and each one pin sharp in a beer that translates brilliantly to bottle. If you want to know more, buy a pint of Kipling, or purchase a bottle with confidence. Well worth the money spent I have to say. Someone at Thornbridge has got this bottling game cracked. OK I only had two samples, but boy were they good. They know their stuff there. They have great brewing skills and technique, bring out some tremendous beers and just quietly get on with doing it, which makes me admire them even more.
Have they sorted out cask Jaipur yet though?
Congratulations too to Beer Ritz, for selling such lovely fresh bottles.
Everything I have had from Thornbridge has been worth the $8-$10 I paid for them. Jaipur is simply delicious.
Interesting comment re: being what Koelsch *ought* to be. We enjoyed a bottle of St Petersburg the other day but it struck us as being like a sort of cartoon version of Imperial Stout, i.e. bigger, less subtle. Not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.
Kipling rocks. I gave it beer of the year in my Golden pints because it's just so reliable. Oddly, I think I've drunk more of it in the pub than at home ... make you proud, huh? :P
Well that's me with Black Sabbath singing "I am Tandleman" in my head for the rest of the day.
"I am Tandleman" T-shirts are, of course, available from all good retailers.
Tandleman is drinking at home. Didn't Nostradamus and the Mayans foretell this in conjunction with the world ending?
And there is me saying such nice things about Beer Ritz too.
Now I have a vision of Tandleman walking about stiff kneed accompanied by a definite clanking sound.
Certainly stiff kneed after the failure of my recent cortisone injection.
Only the freshest leave our doors! It is a little difficult to recognise me without my GD t-shirt, I would like to purchase a 'I am Tandleman' t-shirt to confuse people a little more though ;)
Ghostie: As Tyson says: "available from all good retailers"
When are "I've met Tandleman" tshirts being printed?
I don't like to show my age, but some of us were wearing those 15 years ago. Who knew they were going to come back into fashion?
We could all wear them and loudly proclaim: "I'm Tandleman!"
Hey if you're going to use the wrong glass, at least turn it around to hide the Peters label!
there is a deli in mossley that stocks thornbidge , buxton and other local brewery bottles .
I've had some cracking pints of Jaipur recently! A couple at the Southampton Arms and one on Saturday at the Wellington on the Strand.
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