This on the face of it, located as it is on the corner of a main road, an awkwardly situated pub if you approach it, as most do, going to and fro to nearby Rochdale Infirmary. (Indeed as your hero does when the kindly surgeons inject my arthritic knee with God knows what, every six months or so.) This time, instead of zooming by, I'm approaching more slowly and realise if I turn up the hill beside it there is plentiful parking. Good to know as you scarcely notice that when driving past.

I choose a pint of Light Mild, which is 2.8%, but has the body and taste that many stronger beers would envy. It is astonishingly a mere £1.34 and really very good. To accompany it, I buy a packet of Sam Smith branded pork scratchings which are comparatively expensive at 90p. Looking round I see behind me in the Sports Room a number of young lads are playing darts, a throwback (see what I did there) to the 70s or 80s. I wonder idly, as a former darts player myself, if they have a league hereabouts, but there is nothing by way of notices on the wall to suggest it. In fact there seems to be no notices or much decoration on the walls at all. I suspect this is some kind of decree from the autocratic Humph. There is one appropriate exception. The sole notice advises customers that "Mr Smith" has decreed that the pub must be cleared within a half hour of last orders being called and lists the times. Ominously it warns that "doubling up at last orders will not be allowed."
The bar has the usual array of brightly lit boxes. They are pretty standard here, with Cider, OBB, Sovereign and Taddy Lager, with Light Mild and Double Four lager bringing variety. Oddly the cool shelves have no bottles whatever other than Scintilla mixers. Almost everyone is drinking Taddy lager, though one renegade, without specifying, is served Double Four. In fact nobody in the pub orders a drink by name, instead approaching the bar and being served with what I assume is their standard tipple. The banter continues with the landlord observing a four playing cribbage (again) and chirruping from the sidelines when one hand was over "Winner, winner, chicken dinner." - and why not?
This was a lovely visit. It was great to see folk enjoying themselves with people they knew. I wasn't unwelcome as such, though you can't help but feel a little that you've gone to the wrong party by mistake.
I reckon though if I came in a few times, my Light Mild would also be served to me automatically.
I didn't date take any photos of the inside. I just felt that would not have been appreciated. A local pub for local people? Yes, but in a good way.
There is an odd bare feel to Sam's pubs. I reckon the Welsh scarf was pushing the boundaries a bit and was the sole and welcome splash of colour.