I mentioned
here that I'd asked that we check that there would be no sexist T shirts on sale at Manchester Beer and Cider Festival. The Organiser has confirmed with our T Shirt man that there won't be any, and as I understand it, that he'll be happy to be subject to audit to ensure there isn't. Good man. From memory his is a pretty big stall, but it seems unlikely after all (though we initially thought he was) that he is the same person that sells T shirts at GBBF. Someone else will need to take that one up I think.
Still, I'm pleased . I hope my readers are too. It shows it can be done. Small steps and all that.
Manchester Beer and Cider Festival, Manchester Velodrome, 21st/24th January 2015. No sexists T Shirts on sale, but lots of beer.
Excellent. The beer world needs to catch up with the 21st century.
Next the harder task: Top Totty, Old Slapper, Trashy Blonde, etc.
Great to hear!
Who is judging what is sexist and what isn't?
py: There will be a small panel of no more than 27 people drawn from a wide spectrum of society. We are asking Nigel Farage to chair it.
Each t shirt will be subjected to rigorous testing by this panel where qualified majority voting will decide if it goes through to a final "Supreme Panel", where it will be put to another vote.
Finally a check panel of those at the Saison and Sour Bar will give a final seal of approval, subject to moderation by a random selection of passers by.
Either that or we'll use common sense.
What about the George Best/Hurricane Higgins/Oliver Reed etc T-shirts? Alcoholism just isn't funny.
Come to think if it, t shirts are shite.
Alcoholism has at least a modicum of relevance to a great big pongy piss-up.
If you decide against common sense, TM, I propose Boris Johnson for the panel.
Don't panic, you can get your sexist t shirts at zazzle
No need to go to beer festivals to pick them up!
The bloke who sells the sexist crap at the gbraf probably doesn't think they're sexist, either.
A small panel of old men will use their "common sense" to decide no doubt.
Old men get on and do things. Young men like you, with more mouth than trousers, just carp from the side lines. Despising the old is pointless. You are heading down the same path. The young that are to be admired organise and try and do what they believe in. To change what they don't like.
You are just an observer in all this. A mere hanger on. A dupe if you like. In short you don't matter, but you have a certain perverse entertainment value, like many of the snidey. So do carry on.
No t-shirts with "simply the breast" on? Very disappointing. If it weren't for the beer, I wouldn't bother going.
The thing is, Ty, sexist t shirts are at the point of post hipster irony in the urban fashion circle. Tand is banning them just as the craft festivals take them up. Behind the curve.
Soon the only thing beard club piss ups will have going for them is a ready supply of condescending old beardy weirdies telling the punters "lager?, this is a beer festival, We only sell beer" When they get rid of them you might as well just go in a pub where it's free to get in.
For the benefit of bereft sexists, I Googled "sexist T-shirts" and a host of websites came up with loads of goodies for the chauvinistically challenged. So, MCPs, fill your boots!
Well done.
the young aren't allowed to do anything, because the old hold a ruthless fascist grip of all power. There is no democracy in camra, the young are denied a vote. Its just a handful of fat old men determined to destroy the craft beer movement and with it british beer culture. if you're not against this, you're part of it. Join the resistance.
and you know whose fault it is, py? Do ya? do ya? Well I'll tell you.
Benedict Cumberbatch. That's who.
PY: I'm impressed! How on Earth do you manage to type all that in a straightjacket?
FFS, Nev. The whole of CAMRA is an illuminati plot. My branch is full of free masons and ring leaders of the new world order. The evidence is all there. What’s a popular real ale? Doom Bar. What does Doom Bar mean? It signifies the impending Doom of freedom and the barring of thought in the new world order. Real Ale contains chemicals which lizard people like. All the lizard people prefer real ale to lager. Who is the top lizard? Bigger than Cameron, Obama or the Queen? Bigger than Merkel? It’s Benedict fucking Cumberbatch. You won’t be laughing when the black helicopters come to take you to the soylent green factory and Py sits on its arse and doesn’t stop them because all the old people are the only ones with money and houses because all the youngsters have pissed their dosh away on iPhones, £4 Lattes and £8 craft beers. Just remember, It’s Benedict Palpatine Cumberbatch. If we get him off the telly humanity stands a chance.
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