After my less that satisfactory drinking experience written about
here, we sought some scenery. You can't go to Dubrovnik without sitting at a harbour-side in the sunshine, with houses tumbling down the hillside and the sun glinting off the water as the boats go in and out. People watching in such circumstances is not only a pleasure, but an absolute must.

We found such a harbour and a little restaurant with tables outside and after a sneaky look at the menu I reckoned we could have a couple of drinks each and use up our meagre ration of Croatian kuna. A glass of wine for E and for me, taking a punt, a bottle of a dark beer called
Tomaslav. Now this at first appeared to be rather caramel like, but as I got stuck into the 500ml bottle, it became much more tasty and I started to really enjoy it. It made a refreshing change after many tastealike standard yellow lagers. Now we were up against it time-wise as we had to get back to meet the guide and our fellow travellers in the next half hour. I ordered one more and necked it fairly quickly, deciding, as you do, to take a photo of it for posterity. I was more than a bit taken aback to find it was 7.3% abv. Oops. As we set off to dinner, I did feel a bit of a buzz, but a couple of hours later, after a modest couple of (0.1) glasses of wine, I was more or less recovered.
Bit of an amateur mistake that for an old soak like me.
Seems in the Balkans, like the UK, any old glass will do. You rarely got the right glass, even if available.
E thought my buzz was all in my mind, remarking "You felt fine until you knew how strong it was." Maybe.
I have a Tomislav glass at home presented to me on our last night in Dubrovik by Anthony & Niko at Soul Caffe. I may have drunk the odd one or two of those in their bar over our 2 weeks :-))
get your moneys worth. bang per buck and all that.
I'd hope for a decent buzz after one of them, and after two and a couple of wines in, what, three hours? (9.7 units) I'd be rather disappointed were I not feeling quite a bit "refreshed".
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