Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Belated Thoughts on IndyMan

I've been away, so haven't got round to writing this up. I went along to IndymanBeerCon on the trade day and had rather a good time. I spent a tenner.  A tenner you say? How could this be at the most expensive festival around?  Arriving around two thirty I was unsure who I'd know, so just bought a tenner's worth to keep me going until I decided how long to stay. First of all I spent a bit of time wandering around trying to get to grips with the place, or rather, get to grips with what beers were on sale. It was harder than you might think as the eclectic collection of bars were rather small and hard to get to, most being surrounded by festival goers, but that was part of the fun.  Of course I was delayed too by chatting to various people I knew and that was definitely part of the fun.

The first guidance was given to me by an eager beaver who had clearly been there since opening and who had also, clearly followed his own advice with some determination. "Buy the rarest and strongest" slurred my beaming sage, pointing me to a particular American beer, which I was assured was as scarce as hen's teeth.  It seems his advice had been taken up with abandon, as there was none left.  I suppose that kind of figures.

Of course though, with only a tenner's worth - four thirds in this gaff - I did follow the proffered advice, in part at least. The beers were all rare to me, so I just decided to have the darkest and strongest. This wasn't a bad decision at all, as I'm partial to an imperial stout or two. I was also offered and accepted a few tasters, both by servers and friends and this did help make my mind up.  Frankly I didn't have a bad beer - well the odd bad taster - though some were better than others. On my smallish samples, I enjoyed the clearer ones more than the muddy ones and as always at these events, I enjoyed the crack.  It is fair to say that the one price fits all way of doing things divided opinion more than somewhat, with quite a few going for the strongest purely on a VFM basis, while others weren't that bothered. Many seem to regard this event as one to be saved up for, like a concert or the like. I don't recall prices being a point of discussion last few times though, so clearly it had struck a chord with some. Beer for the people? Maybe not.

The crowd was the usual collection of trade types, hipsters, CAMRA types and Joe Public. I got the feeling that this session was likely to contain the oldest average age crowd of the event.  It was jolly enough for me though and being bought a couple of thirds by brewers (tokens used) helped me have a good time.  Has IndyManBeerCon gone wrong? I don't think so, but I'm not counting up all the kegs of weak beers left at the end.   I left after a couple of hours, slightly buzzed as our American friends might say, but that wore off on the bus. I'd had enough strong beer really and if I'm honest, wasn't keen to pay £7.50 a pint equivalent for the weaker stuff.

Of course I went for a drink when I got off the bus. Supping beer or sipping beer? You pays your money and you takes your choice, but if they are the same price, go sipping.

Others have written how the do was a good as ever. That's good news, but I seemed to know a lot less people than I usually do and some didn't stay long, but it was fine for a couple of hours. A few bemoaned the lack of cask (none on sale as far as I know at the session I attended.)  The servers were all pretty pleasant which is great. I didn't bother about food.

I had free entry as trade. That's quite a saving.  I took no notes and one photo (above).


Curmudgeon said...

So, quite enjoyable, but some way short of totally awesome.

And I assume your £10 bought you precisely one and a third pints ;-)

Tandleman said...

It did. Awesome? Nah.

Tandleman said...

It did. Awesome? Nah.

Cooking Lager said...

The advert for #TANDCON17 could be "Not £7.50 a pint"

You can have that one.

Top of the morning/Begorrah said...

If you're going to play the Plastic Paddy/Shiny Seamus it's craic not crack.

RedNev said...

It sounds utterly awful.

Cooking Lager said...

Legends of the pop.

Tandleman said...

I know what I enjoyed you daft Mick.

Tandleman said...

The word originates from the Anglo-Saxon term, "crack" meaning fun.

It possibly dates back as far as Old English or the older Scots dialect and is still used today by Ulster-Scots in Northern Ireland.

Borrowed by the Gaelic Irish and spelt "craic", the term has been picked up by UK journalists in recent years and has re-entered the use of the word (Hiberno-English) in mainland UK.

Dublin journalists in the 1970s frequently spelt the word as "crack" in written articles.

I rest my case.

Erlangernick said...

Also missed this last week. You mention it being a particular session, but unless I'm dim, not which particular session.

In any event, an event I'd cheerfully avoid if I were in town that weekend.