I note that along with other bloggers, this blog has been linked to Stella Artois' UK Digital Newsroom. Well I never!
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What wasn't allowed in a pub in 1914? (part seven)
It's a pretty long list of inadmissible activities. And it will continue to
get longer.
There were several activities relating to elections which were fo...
3 hours ago
Nothing to be proud of
Who says I'm proud? I find it a bit ironic. Like anonymous comments.
Bailey's in a sulk coz we're not on it.
Seriously though, if you link to them you'll improve their Google rankings. I rather like the fact that if you google "stella beer blog" you get quite a lot of negative stuff and no sign of anything official...
Given my dislike of InBev, I have no intention of linking to them.
What a crock. Why not ask for your blog to be removed?
I spotted that a few weeks ago. Wierd that they link to us when we've got nothing positive to say about them!
Why ask to be removed?
Leave the link so those that go the the Stella website can read your take on wifebeater.
My blog's barely about beer anymore so I'm particularly surprised.
I had to call out InBev for cellar services and they were shee-at. The man from Diageo, however, was joyously brilliant. I can't help but like Guinness a little more now. But only a little more.
You know, all this stuff about keg beer being easier to handle than cask is only true as long as all the kit associated with keg dispense works. When you encounter problems you're stuffed.
Matt: "Why ask to be removed?"
Because InBev are trying to give Stella a bit of free credibility by association with prominent, respected bloggers.
And btw, has anyone seen or tried Eiken Artois yet?
I came across Eiken last month
I've thought about this. If Stella want to advertise my blog for free while I criticise them, well that's fine. It might also point a few Stella drinkers the way of beer blogging.
My initial thoughts were jealous ones that no one had thought to include my blog. I think it's a recognition of the quality writing here, day in and day out.
We all do this blogging thing in the hope of reaching others so the more people who recognise and link to your blog the better.
Cheers SD.
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